Grandma’s Rye Bread

Makes 3 loaves

  • 3 C. Water, heat to hot (Few drops on wrist quite warm)
  • 1/4 to 1/2 C. Shortening (Margarine), add to hot water
  • 1/2 C. Molasses, add to hot water
  • 1/2 C. Brown Sugar, add to hot water, then cool to lukewarm
  • 1 C. White Sugar, add to hot water, then cool to lukewarm
  • 1 Lg. Tbs. Salt, add to water
  • 3 Yeast Packages, add to water when cooled to lukewarm
  • 1 C. Milk, hear to almost hot (Scalded then cooled)
  • 2 C. Rye Flower, add to liquids
  • White Flour as needed, add til dough cleans the bowl
  1. Mix bread dough in electric mixer until smooth, then continue beating with wooden spoon adding white flour until dough cleans the bowl.
  2. Remove onto floured board and knead 10 min. until smooth and blistered.
  3. Place in greased bowl, turning so greased side is up. Cover with a towel and let raise for 2 hours in warm place (85 deg.) until doubled.
  4. Punch down, form into 3 loaves, put in greased loaf pans, grease top of loaves, cover, let rise again 50 to 60 minutes.
  5. Bake 400 deg. for 10 minutes, 350 deg. for 45 minutes. Tap loaf, it should sound hollow. Immediately remove from pans to cool on rack.

For Tender Crust – brush with melted butter and cover for a few minutes after baking.

For Crisp Crust – do not grease or cover after baking.

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