Danska Kringle

  • 2 C. Flour
  • 1 C. Butter
  • 1 tbsp. Water

Prepare as for pie crust. Pat into bottom of a 9″ x 13″ pan.

  • 1/2 C. Butter
  • 1 C. Water
  • 1 C. Flour
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1/2 tsp. Almond or Vanilla Extract

Cook as for cream puffs: Boil butter and water. Remove from heat and stir in flour. Beat in eggs thoroughly (add one at a time) until smooth. Add flavoring. Spread over crust. Bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes.

  • 3/4 C. Powdered Sugar
  • 1 tbsp. Butter, softened

Cream butter and sugar and frost. Sprinkle with finely chopped nuts. Cut into squares.

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